Easter pizza cheese
- 400 gr. of flour
- 150 gr. of water,
- 6 eggs
- 100 gr.of grated parmesan cheese
- 100 gr. of grated pecorino cheese
- 100 gr. of olive oil
- A teaspoon of baking powder
Mix well for 10 minutes in a planetary with hook. It will be ready when you'll begin to see bubbles.
Place the dough in a floured bowl, cover with kitchen film and let it grow for at least 2 hours. Its volume should double.
Separately, beat the eggs and mix the two cheeses and olive oil. mix well, then it let stand for 1 hour.
When the dough will be well rise, again in the planetary mix the eggs and 2 cheeses.
Pour the dough into a mold greased with butter - the mold has to big very high and around 9/10 inches in diameter.
Cover the mold and let the dough grows again.
After a couple of hours, bake, in preheated oven, at 355 for about 90 minutes.
This pizza is suggested with cheese slices and capocollo.
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Associazione Culturale Percorsi con gusto Via Casventino, 4 05029 - San Gemini (TR) Cell. (+39) 334.7769989 - info@percorsicongusto.com
Associazione Culturale Percorsi con gusto Via Casventino, 4 05029 - San Gemini (TR) Cell. (+39) 334.7769989 - info@percorsicongusto.com