For about 18 biscuits
400gr. Timilia flour
150gr. brown sugar
40 gr. of melted butter
40 gr. extra virgin olive oil
2 eggs
1 teaspoon baking powder
Cream of tartar 1/2 teaspoon
half a vanilla bean
grated lemon peel of half lemon
icing sugar3 tbs
In a bowl beat eggs with sugar, add the melted butter, oil seeds of the vanilla bean and lemon zest: When are well blended begin to unite flour and baking powder; As soon as the mixture becomes heavy to work put it on a table work and knead with your hands incorporating the remaining flour.
Mix quickly, make a ball and put it in a plastic bag. Leave in the fridge for one hour, the time elapsed, take the dough into little balls of approximately 40 gr. each and roll in powdered sugar.
Bake in oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes
Allow to cool on a wire rack
Associazione Culturale Percorsi con gusto Via Casventino, 4 05029 - San Gemini (TR) Cell. (+39) 334.7769989 - info@percorsicongusto.com